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Plans from Duck Trap
the J R Griffin Model
Lincolnville Salmon Wherry

Please note that information on plans pages will be scant while we are trying to get our site back up and in operation. Should you have questions in the meantime, please email us. Thanks for understanding.
14' Lincolnville Salmon Wherry "Scrod" ashore in Camden, ME

Same Wherry, different day.

"Scrod's" first sail off Lincolnville Beach

14' Wherry, Scrod

The Lincolnville Salmon Wherry design harks back to the early 1800s and was used, as the name implies, for Atlantic Salmon fishing alongshore in Penobscot Bay in the Gulf of Maine. Wherries in general originated prior to the 1600s in Europe.


Wherry hulls are essentially double ended on the water, meaning that their submerged waterlines are nearly identical fore and aft, an important feature for boats intended for use in the often confused chop close to shore. With a plank keel for ready launching and retrieval off the beach, these boats stand upright on their own without scuffing their planking. Their transoms are not just eye catchers, they were designed to serve a purpose. What is that? That and considerably more is explained in Wherries by W J Simmons. With a finished weight less than 200 pounds (depending on materials choices and whether or not she's rigged to sail), this model is readily trailerable. More important is the ease with which she rows and sails with her loose footed sprit rig. Having built dozens of these wherries, we ought to be able to answer any questions you may have.


These plans are drawn for a sprit rigged14' boat, though we have built them from 12'-10" to 18' overall using these plans and with no need to alter her offsets. Plans consist of lines, offsets, construction plan and sail plan.  US$ 65 + postage

Cover shot: Wherries by Walter J Simmons

The book, Wherries by W J Simmons is the most comprehensive book on the history and construction of these fine watercraft from a bygone era. Want to compare models? This book does exactly that, and what's more can help you decide which wherry is right for you. Wherries includes many historical and contemporary photos, most in full color. 256 8.5x11" pages with142 photos & illustrations, indexed and comb bound. US$ 35

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