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Duck Trap Woodworking sloop loge

Plans from Duck Trap
Christmas Wherry

Please note that information on plans pages will be scant while we are trying to get our site back up and in operation. Should you have questions in the meantime, please email us. Thanks for understanding.
Christmas Wherry ashore at Ducktrap

Stars 'n Stripes Christmas Wherry on the shore at Ducktrap.

To quote Small Boats Monthly, “The Christmas Wherry possesses two characteristics that should be critically important to anyone looking for a small boat to use in open waters. It displays classic beauty and, as the boat’s designer, Walt Simmons of Lincolnville, Maine, says, “It will take you out, and bring you back home.”


The Christmas Wherry is the newest member of our wherry family, designed to fill the niche between our Duck Trap Wherry and much larger Newfoundland Trap Skiff. With a 3:1 length to beam hull ratio she is proportionally beamier than either the DTW or the NTS. That doesn’t seem to slow her down any, provides ample room aboard, and makes her full enough forward to withstand the press of her high peaked lugsail.


As with all of our wherries she can be built with traditional planking or glued lapstrake. Though the plans are drawn for a 15-foot boat, she can be built any length from 14’ to 19’ without having to alter her offsets. Simply adjust the distance between stations proportionally. The plans consist of lines and offsets, construction plan, sail plan, and a page specifically detailing her plank keel.      US$ 85 + postage

Rowing with standing oarlock horns

The book, Wherries by W J Simmons is the most comprehensive book on the history and construction of these fine watercraft from a bygone era. Want to compare models? This book does exactly that, and what's more can help you decide which wherry is right for you. Wherries includes many historical and contemporary photos, most in full color. 256 8.5x11" pages with142 photos & illustrations, indexed and comb bound. US$ 35


You can read more about it by clicking here.

Christmas Wherry lug rig
Cover shot: Wherries

Building the Christmas Wherry is part of out Boatbuilding in Pictures series. Click here to check it out.

Here's a photo of a Christmas Wherry built in England by first time builder Paul Barnes. That's him at the helm on one of his first sails.


Being accustomed to dinghy sailing, it took him a little while to become accustomed to the feel of his wherry. Traditional boats will teach you all you need to know if you'll pay attention...

Christmas Wherry first sail
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